Join our 2nd Annual Green Challenge and make a difference—it's never too late to start! Since October, students have been earning points by completing fun, eco-friendly activities that help care for God’s creation. This year, Mr. and Mrs. Heetderks have been inspiring us with lessons about coral reefs in their WorldWonder and Art classes as part of the Everglades Foundation Challenge. We’ve all become obsessed with the Coral City Camera livestream, watching day and night as fish, manatees, dolphins, sharks, and stingrays bring the reef to life! We've even added exciting coral reef activities, like creating a Minecraft biome to explore the beauty and importance of these ecosystems. Click here for details, and don’t forget—student journals will be proudly displayed in the Nature Center!
Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.