
Warrior Fund

Tuition Funds Operations. Philanthropy Fuels Vision.

The Warrior Fund supports annual projects and programs such as the performing and visual arts, athletics, and financial aid. Donations to the Warrior Fund expedite the purchase of equipment and resources. While Westminster adheres strictly to its annual budget and can operate, pay salaries, and maintain its facilities with tuition income, the funds donated through the Warrior Fund provide the extra margin that enables Westminster to achieve the excellence that our students and their families deserve and expect.

As an alumnus, you understand firsthand the impact of a Westminster education. Your efforts will directly support the Warrior Fund, ensuring that current and future students have access to the same quality Christian education you received while helping to further enhance their experience. For additional ways to give, click here.
The Warrior Fund supports a wide variety of programs that contribute to the unique school environment Westminster families have come to know and love. With your help, we can ensure that students of all ages receive an education that values excellence, collaboration, inspiration, experiences and community.  Warrior Fund donations support specific initiatives as well as general programs consistent with these five values to enhance student life and augment academics, athletics, and the arts.  Your gift to the Warrior Fund invests in the future of Westminster students by creating a campus that encourages them to be the best they can be!

Generosity plays a crucial role in Christian schools like Westminster. This year’s Warrior Fund which will help fund the following improvements across campus that benefit the wider community:
  • A new LED scoreboard in the high school gym
  • Outdoor speaker system in the elementary school courtyard
  • Middle School grade level fellowship events
  • Flight simulator for the Engineering signature program
  • Patio renovations for the Art Department.
  • Production equipment for Mass Media classes across campuses
  • Guitars and supportive equipment for Fine Arts
  • Seated risers for the choir room and outfitting the orchestra room in The Beacon
  • The addition of a Café to The Learning Commons in the Media Center
  • A 10 percent commitment of Warrior Fund donations to the Westminster endowment

Boost the Impact of Your Gift

Employee matching gifts and volunteer grant programs double or even triple your gift to Westminster Christian School. Make your gift go even further through a gift-matching program!  Some companies will even match gifts made by retirees and spouses of employees. Please use the below search tool to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.

Prefer to donate by check? Please make checks payable to 'Westminster Christian School' and mail to:

 Westminster Christian School
Attention: Advancement Office
6855 SW 152 Street 
Palmetto Bay, FL  33157

For questions about the Warrior Fund, please email,
or call 305-233-2030, ext. 1304.

Your Contribution Matters

Thank you for generously participating in the 2024-25 Warrior Fund and making a lasting difference.

Jay & Sherie Abbey
Josh & Melinda Aberman
Iban Abou & Paula Orduna
Alejandro & Nicole Acosta
Gary & Charlotte Adams
AJ & Kerri Ager
Argelio & Laura Aguayo
Jorge & Cari Aguiar
J. Carlos & Silvana Aguiar Valente
Alfonso & Marisol Aguirre
Gianni & Christine Alaimo
Jose & Kiriat Alberto
Laercio & Juliana Albuquerque
Gustavo & Celia Alcivar
Oscar & Nicole Alfonso
John & Carla Alger
Jordan '97 & Shanna Alonge
Vance & Mariella Aloupis
Alejandro & Elizabeth Alvarez
Alex & Irma Alvarez
Carlos & Yaraska Alvarez
Diana Alvarez
Esteban & Maria Alvarez
Fernando & Giselle Alvarez
Luis & Sandra Amadeo
Kyu Man An & Gissel Salgado
Guillermo Andrade & Noemi Garcia
Daniel '95 & Aubrie Andrea
Peter & Clara Anta
Guido Antezana & Ingrid (Harris) Antezano '92
Juan & Leyla Annicchiarico
Breton & Michelle Applebaum
Carlos & Jessika Arango
Kevin & Stacy Arango
Antonio & Ursula Arner
Albert & Alejandra Argudin
Eduardo Arguello & Alejandra Teran-Arguello
Frank & Aimee Artiles
Noel Artiles & Rosie Dezayas-Artiles
Edgard & Erica Arroyo
Marcus & Jussane Assis
Luis Ayala & Gabriela Martinez-Fonts
Javier '97 & Maria Azucena
Victoria Babun '00
Robert Baer & Rebekah Blackwood-Baer '00
Danys & Mireya Baez
Bethany Bahamonde '95
Michael & Jessica Balboa
Richard & Cindy Barbara
Jesica Carolina Barboza
Andres & Melissa Bardelas
Leopoldo & Gina Bastante
Patrick & Michele Battle
Vanessa (Chamberlain) Bauer '95
Zachary & Jessie Bayag
Justin & Melissa Beckham
Edgar & Leonor Belaval
Xavier & Ana Bello
Demian Bellumio
Bernabe '02 & Natalie Belvedere
Edgardo & Sasha (Bardelas) Berdeguer '00
Keith & Lourdes Berman
Willy & Paula Bermello
Otoniel & Yudyt Bermudez
Robert & Anita Berteletti
Jose Bestard & Gabriela Boza-Bestard
Oscar & Elise Betancourt
Erik & Michelle Bethel
David & Ani Bezanilla
Matthew & Emily Bielen
John & Heather Bishop
Alain Bizet & Lorena Avila-Bizet
Alex '00 & Aymee Blanco
Steve & Nancy Blaum
Chad & Stephanie Bogie
Tina Bojorquez '00
Ronald Bolanos & Margarita Garcia
Eduardo & Alicia Bonilla
Arnaldo & Marianne Bomnin
Omar & Aimee Borges
Hugo '92 & Sonia Bosque
Tor & Thais Boswick
Peter '09 & Rebecca Bouwsma
Paul & Ashley Boulos
Marcey Boynton
Eric & Lourdes Boyer
Elizabeth Braceras
Luis Bracamonte & Vanessa Van Heel
Aaron & Maria Braithwaite
Timothy '86 & Kim Brigham
Tony & Missy Briggs
Lariel & Michelle Brito
Marcio & Carolina Brito De Lima
Steve Bronson
Dwayne & Olga Brown
Linda (Blackburn) Brown '80
PJ & Emily Brown
Nicolas & Silvia Buraglia
David & Emily (Risi) Burrows '04
Christopher & Katie Butler
Alexander Caballero & Susibel Rodriguez
Jose & Stephanie Cabrera
Alein & Liliana Cadalso
Cesar & Olivia Cajigas
German & Maria Calderon
Curtis & Heather Calhoon
Alex Cantos & Christina Gautier-Cantos
Ernesto & Leslie Cardenas
Jose & Bianca Cardona
Ronald '90 & Carol (Balnicki) Caridad '89
Mariano & Catalina Cariola
Worth & Sandy Carson
Joseph & Camila Carpenter
Jessica (Li) Carrasquillo '07
Brian & Zulema Carricarte
Amy Castaneda
Alex & Angela Castano
Emil & Arlene (Amaya) Castellanos '00
Michael & Araceli Castillo
Anthony & Alexandra Castro
Rafael Castro & M. Cristina (Barrios) Calero '96
Carlos & Michelle Celaya
Brian & Tiffany Cespedes
Manuel Cespedes & Olga Tudela '98
Bassem & Carolina Chahine
Abe & Nadima Chamoun
Carlos & Melisa Chantres
Nina Chantres '24
Jason & Linda Chase
John & Carol Chenet
Stephen & Paola Cheng
Jeffrey & Jennifer Childers
David Chu & Wailing Chan
Francisco Ciura & Marlyns Ronquillo-Ciura
Dougan & Martha Clarke
Edward & Kelly Claughton
Sarah Cline
Ricardo & Jessica Cocchiaro
Travis '03 & Meagan Cole
Joelle Coles
William & Kim Comber
Jorge Cos & Bruna Aires-Cos
Ryan & Vanessa Cossio
Antonio Costa
Rick & Shelley Cook
William '82 & Fatima Cook
Aimee Coppola
David & Jeannie Coulson
Manuel & Jennifer Coya
Daniel & Andrea Crespo
Scott & Carrin Crissey
Thomas & Susan Crossin
Christopher & Lindsey Coule
Charles & Tania Cyrille
Jorge & Michelle Cuello
Jordi & Natalia Cuervo
Jose & Heide Dans
Joel & Victoria Davis
James & Michelle D'Azevedo
Eric & Lesley De Armas
Jorge & Melissa De Apodaca
Christopher '96 & Jillian de Moya
Frank & Olga Del Campillo
Miguel & Monica Del Pino
Juan & Kenia Delgado
Mars & Agnes Depinski
John & Lisa DeRosimo
Adalyn Diaz
Alain Diaz & Kenia Gonzalez
Amauris Diaz & Kirsten Salb Diaz
Danny Diaz and Lizette Chiappy '02
Dennis & Lauren Diaz
Edward Diaz & Lydia Trujillo-Diaz
George & Faith Diaz
Remedios & Rosa Diaz
Ryan Diaz
William Diaz & Valerie Valdivieso-Diaz
Constantin & Silke Dietrich
Dalton W. Dietrich & Helen Bramlett
Madeline Dirube
Chris & Haley (Hoog) Doherty '03
Alejandro & Erika Dominguez
Alexander & Mary Dopazo
Ivanete Duarte
Matthew & Melissa Dubocq
Geosvanys & Yeni Dumas
Richard Duncan '76
Ignacio & Karina DuQuesne
Michael Edwards & Catalina Rodriguez-Edwards '03
Yon & Lamya Elejabarrieta
Jonathan Ender & Mariola Idrobo
Galo & Ana Enriquez
Luis Enriquez & Marissa Cisneros Enriquez
Erwin & Evelyn Escobar
Manuel & Carolina Escobio
Michael & Arleyne Espinel
Brooke Espinosa
Julio Estorino & Jennifer Remy-Estorino '98
Adrian & Dannelle Esquivel
William & Cristina Essig
Xavier & Monique Evans
Richard & Karen Everage
Jonathan & Brittany Falco
Glenn & Cheryl Falk
Tyler Falk '04
Rene & Valerie Faustin
Kurt & Gerveline Fedee
Michelle Ferguson-Green
Alejandro & Christie Fernandez
Daniel & Mary Fernandez
Jessica Fernandez Ibarra '03
Julio Fernandez & Brenda Perez
Luis & Judith Fernandez
Matthew Fernandez '11 & Lisa Nanninga-Fernandez
Oscar Fernandez '86 & Jasmine Izaguirre
Mark & Sasha Ferrer
Marco & Alexandra Ferri
Christopher & Valeria Flores
Richard & Vanessa Flores
Samuel & Linda Flores
Philip & Debra Floyd
Rob & Lisa (Peters) Forbes '79
Alejandro & Judy Forjan
Antonio & Cori Fraga
Mario & Jessica Franca
Peter Francis & Justyna Dziuba
Peter & Miriam Frometa
Clay & Marysol (Villamil) Frye '05
Cristian Gamarra & Carolina Payrolat
Michael & Sandra Gambrell
Eduardo & Jasmin Garateix
Carlos & Anamaria Garcia
Enrique & Alissa Garcia
Rodolfo & Lisa Garrido
Francisco & Vivianne Gaviria
Eric & Mayelei Gaunaurd
Carlos & Liana Gazitua
Karim & Soraya Georges
Juan Geymonat & Lorena Crespo
Jonathan & Melissa Gillen
Jonathan & Erica Giner
Marco & Maria Jose Giovane
Antonio & Maria Elena Giro
Victor '90 & Manya Glavach
Arthur & Louise Gleason 
Jose Godoy & Yasmine Nunez
Eric & Jessica Goldberg
Farouk & Diana Gomati
Enrique & Ivette Gomez
Israel & Arilys Gomez
Mario Gomez & Cheryl Box 
Mario & Raysa Gomez
Alberto Gonzalez & Carmen Contarini
Alejandro & Vanessa Gonzalez
Alina Gonzalez
Carlos & Katherine Gonzalez
Daniel & Nicole Gonzalez
Hector Gonzalez
Javier & Lianett Gonzalez
Luis & Diana Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez & Mayelin Prieto-Gonzalez
Otto & Jennifer Gonzalez
Pedro & Concepcion Gonzalez
Ricardo & Alexandra Gonzalez
Ricardo & Christyn Gonzalez
Roland '04 & Patricia Gonzalez
Samuel Gonzalez & Cristina Rionda-Gonzalez
Jennifer Goodrich
Andre & Nannette Gordon
Richard & Kimberly Gorrin
Henry & Veronica Gotor
Gus Grana & Elizabeth Rose '00
Augusto & Maria Florencia Granados
Leticia Granados '24
Carlos Granja & Elise McCormack-Granja
Alejandro & Adriana Gravier
Michael Griffith & Tonya Meister-Griffith
Allison Grimes '00
Cameron & Gabriela (Martinez-Esteve) Grogan '05
Peter Grundler & Lyda Carreras-Grundler
Allan & Ashley Gubbins
Jesus & Nathalie Guerrero
Andres & Pamela Guilarte
Luis & Gabrielle Guillermes
Joel & Diana (Puente) Gutierrez '03
Joseph & Tennille Gutierrez
Yandro & Liliette Gutierrez
Omar Haedo '15 & Monica Vila '16
Britanie Hall
Jocelyn (Springstun) Hall '97
John & Jane Haller
Joshua & Megan Hamann
Kevin '95 & Adela Hamann
Nicolas & Rashelle Hamann
Carl & Ximena Handy
Bryant & Marcia Hansen
James & Melanie Hannon
Peter & Sarah Hardan
Josh & Maribel Harder
Patrick & Maria Clara Harrington
Matthew & Stefanie Harris
Mason & Denie Harris
David & Gloria Hays
William '91 & Krystal Hearne
Jeff & Bonnie Heck
Doug & Anne Heetderks
Diego & Maria Hemelberg
Steven '93 & Kimberly Hendrikse
Jason & Stephanie Hendry
Jud & Katie (Munz) Henry '99
Holly Hernandez '98
Antonio & Hilda Hernandez
Diego & Jennifer Hernandez
Jose & Belinda Hernandez
Leonel & Andrea Hernandez
Lisa Hernandez Castro
Jose Antonio & Aubrey Hernandez-Solaun
Mario Hernandez & Sabrina Shortsleeve
Raul Hernandez & Diana Pacheco
Samuel Hernandez & Natalia Mas '04
Javier & Christine Herrera
Oscar & Keren Herrera
Jonathan & Beverly Hew
Harry & Jessica Hinckley
Leon & Alicia Hirzel
Brett & Meredith (Kirtland) Hixon '98
John & Daisy Holcombe
Frederick '81 & Sandee Hooper
Megan Hoppe '08
Shawn & Waihan Host
Hayel Hourani & Romy Marqvardt-Hourani '96
John & Maxi Hughes
Steven & Lauren Hunt
Armando Ibarra & Jessica Fernandez Ibarra '03
Juan Carlos & Fabiola Ibarra
Michael Iglesias
Damian & Maggie Izquierdo
Connor & Joanna Jacobson
Matthew & Lanae James
Eduardo & Islena Jimenez
Scott & Cammy Jones
T. Hamilton '01 & Heather Jones
Allan & Alison Jorge
Gerald Jorge & Catherine Miles
Latisha Justice-Lewis
Jesper & Jennifer Kanold
Bruce '74 & Victoria Kaplan
Evan & Karyna Kaufmann
William & Nancy Keller
Jack & Julie Kenney
Paul & Stephanie Khalil
Adrienne Kirtland Marzano '94
Pearce & Mary Klevan
Erin (Dolan) Knight '94
Richard '00 and Meghan Kohly
Sai & Dea Koppaka
Robert Kostoroski & Zuriany Olive
Matthew Kujawa & Jill Penman
Brian & Kelly Kulju
Marc & Tania Kunen
Hiroki Kurenuma & Julie Doan Kurenuma
Susana Kusserow
Jan Kyzer
Christiaan & Madhuri La Barrie
Medardo & Veronica Lacayo
Chip '80 & Mary Jean (Gray) Lafferty '80
Alberto & Tiffany (Keller) Lam '00
Jordan Landsberg & Jennifer Lapuma
Gustavo & Mirella Lang
Jose & Melissa La Rosa
Albert '03 & Bridgette (Prentice) Larcada '03
Maria Larrea
Raul & Lora Lastra
Robert & Josie Laucirica
Pablo & Maria Lavigna
Juan Carlos Lazcano '04
Christopher & Rosanne Leal
Leo & Margarita Leon
Gustavo & Janet Leon
Michael & Sandra Lesman
Joanne Lew Ng
Hannah Lewis
Roberto & Jennifer Linares
Christian & Ellie Lindabury
Justin & Mandy Lindsey
Nils '97 & Shya (Schettini) Lindstad '97
Luis & Frances Llamas
Juan & Maria Lopetegui
Adamaris Lopez
Caleb Lopez & Angela Spivak-Lopez
Cesar & Melissa Lopez
Edwin & Jannett Lopez
Ivan Lopez & Debra (Amundson) Lopez '00
Ivan & Lisset Lopez
Joe & Martha Lopez
Joseph Lopez
Jose & Lissette Lopez
John & Lori Lopez
Kevin Lopez
Mary Lopez
Rachel Lopez-Lima '13
Kathy Loveless
Jose & Maria Alexandra Lovo
Scott Lowen and Sharon Surless Lowen '96
Kenneth & Odalys Lugo
John & Janaya Lukan
James '94 & Kimberly (Jack) Lummus '93
Rob '76 & Katherine Lundgren
Eveith Lundgren-Walker
Ricardo & Roxana Machado
Matthew & Casey (Jones) Machin '07
Lawrence Mair and Rachel Seivright-Mair '95
Jose Mahomar & Carolina Modenessy 
Christopher & Danae Manimbo
John & Lisa Manoogian
Andrew Manouilidis & Sandra Huus-Manouilidis
Raif & Roxanna Manzur
Felipe & Marcela Marcilio
Giovanni Marcos & Christian Forero
Carlos & Cristina Maristany
Stu '82 & Wendy Marshall
David & Teresa Martinez
Michael & Pamela Martinez
Pablo & Susan Martinez
Percy & Tessie Martinez
Wil & Monika Martinez
Eduardo & Joanne Martinez-Dubouchet
Cindy Marzouka
Pierre & Teresa Massa
Paulo & Leyma Matozinho
Graham & Marci McCann
Dennis & Jennifer McCarty
Matt & Norma McGrath
Melissa McNamee
David & Sherry Medder
Sean '02 & Adriana Lima-Mederos '01
Clifford & Leah Medina
Demosthenes & Lourdes Mekras
Michael '97 & Kathleen Mendez
Parker Mendez '34
Peter & Gemma (Jordan) Menendez '97
Kai & Vanessa Meyer
Andy & Bertha Meza
Jorge & Mary Milian
Kathryn Milian '16
Max Milian '18
Marci Miller
Edward & Shanon Minks
Joe & Kristin Mira
Andres & Andria Miyares
Kambiz & Kristina Moghaddam
Louis & Nicole Moll
Wesley & Amanda (Alger) Money '05
Jorge & Myriam Montalvo
Marco & Veronica (Allard) Montanez '04
Jorge & Marcia Montero
Maximo & Carmen Monterrey
Timothy '07 & Katie (Medder) Moon '07
Alejandro & Belkys Morales
Silvio & Nicole Morales
Dean & Viviana Moreau
Guilherme Moreira & Paula Garcez
Fernando & Hilda Morel
Andres & Lina Moreno
Armando Moreno & Diana Garcia
Christian '94 & Elizabeth Moreno
Carlos & Edleen Morera
James & Amy Morrow
Andrea Mortari
Roberto & Clarice Motta
Fernando & Natalia Munilla
Charles & Lauren Munz
Chad & Jackie Murphy
Thomas & Caroline Murphy
Lazaro & Majela Muse
Antonio & Rosana Nadais
David & Paulina Naranjo
Marcio & Bianca Nery
Phillip '78 & Katherine Newcomm
Marco & Michelle Nicolini
Alfred & Devin Nieves
Julio & Maria Novoa
Rodolfo & Yvonne Nunez
Oliver & Catalina Ortiz
Brad & Angela (Marsengill) Ost '89
Tom '71 & Ginger Ostenson
Alex Pacheco & Tania Tejada
Jose & Roxana Padron
Kevin & Teresa Palczynski
Margarita Pallares
Angel & Maria Pallin
Isaac & Karen Palma
Dario & Dawn Palmer
Erwin & Sandra Pals
Katie Pals '05
Francisco Pardo & Maria Patino
Clay & Julia (Patterson) Parker '78
Jay & Nakarit Parker
James & Jennifer Partridge
Raul Parquet & Ivette Cave Parquet
Dennis & Claudia Pastrana
Brian & Meredith Pa'u
Cesar Pazmino & Valerie Schwank-Pazmino
Jose & Brenda Pedrayes
Richard & Lorena Pell
Manuel & Daniella Penche Somolinos
Leonardo Penizzotto & Diana Ortiz-Penizzotto
Patricio & Stephanie Peralta
Hernan & Marcela Pereyra
Aliette Perez
Carlos Perez & Amie Varona-Perez
Pedro & Cristina (Puente) Perez -Medrano '05
Pedro Perez & Nicole Del Pino-Perez
Reynaldo & Yanelis Perez
Robert & Kylie Perez
Umberto & Neyda Perez
Steve & Cora Petrillo
Lilly Pineda
Thelma Pineda
Carlos & Natalia Pinilla
Francisco & Jennifer Pino
Paul & Bertha Pino
Jonathan & Jacqueline Pinto
Wiliam & Nelly Pittack
Gregory & Lisa (McDowell) Polino '03
Raul & Yajaira Polo
Piero & Amanda Porcari
Manuel & Gloria Portuondo
Gonzalo & Ana Pou
Gio & Ana (Aguilera) Poveda '87
Ian Poveda '17
Sophia Poveda '17
Alvaro & Veronica Pozo
Evan & Valerie Prentiss
Martin & Andrea Pueblas
Jaime & Maria Pulido
Jesse '97 & Jenny Pybas
Nicolas '02 & Loralyn Pybas
Paul & Michelle Quentel
Alfred & Maitee Quero
Yanet Quintana
Damien & Cristina Ramirez
Orlando & Eileen Ramos
Jose & Natalie Raposo
Leonardo & Yamely Rayon
Steven & Adriana Redlich - Galindo
Ross & Adrienne Reeder
Robert & Melissa Reinhardt
Eric & Katie Renaghan
Lester & Charlene (West) Rey '97
Francisco Reyes-Retana & Valentina Lopez
Yessie & Ana Reyes
Pablo & Nadja Ribas
Chris & Jenea Riccio
Joaquin & Diana Riera
Manny & Dina Riera
Jorge & Carolina Rivera
Rafael & Alexandra Rivera
Oti & Remi Roberts
Dawna Robinson
Terence & Sarah Roche
Boris Rodriguez & Larisa Zamora
Luis & Diana Rodriguez
Matthew & Amanda Rodriguez
Miguel Rodriguez & Evelyn Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Orlando Rodriguez & Caroline De Posada-Rodriguez
Ricardo & Christyn Rodriguez
Antonio & Ana Rodriguez
Victor & Katiuska Rodriguez
Milton Rogers & Jeanette Chirino
Ronald & Elizabeth (Meyer) Romaguera '95
Alex & Jackie Romillo
Daniel & Rebecca Rotolante
Alexis Ruiz
Erik & Elissa Sada
Sergio & Cristina Saenz
Jacqueline Sahoy
Ibrahim & Lori Sakkab
Raul & Cristina Salas
Yashira Salcedo
Hector & Scarlett Saldana
Steve Salony & Melissa DeJong '87
Erduis Sanabria & Suzette Laurent
Bridget Sanchez
CJ Sanchez '25
Jose & Michelle Sanchez
Joseph & Monica Sanchez
Luciano & Bonnie Sanchez
Mason Sanchez '29
Eric & Melissa Santiago
Mel & Mailyn Santiesteban
Craig & Jeanine Schmidt
Kenneth & Nancy Schrader
Lars & Nirvana Seagren
Anderson & Leslie Seidel
David & Pauline Seivright
Stanja Seivright
Andrew & Ashley Serrott
Vadim & Vanessa Shapiro
Jon & Colleen (Campbell) Shellabarger '91
Wajih & Llynette Shirazi
Kevin Shirk & April Sharpe - Shirk
Naveen & Meghan Shivdanasi
David & Ashley Sierra
Alex & Irene Simkovitz
Fernando & Kierstin Silva
Jose & Cecilia Sirven
Timon & Alexandra Skordos
Brian & Melissa Simril
Shaun & Samantha Smiley
Joseph Schlipman & Natalia Izquierdo
Wayne & Janet Smith
Rogerio Sobreiro & Mercedes Gonzalez
David & Julia Solis
Helmuth & Yasmin Solis
Erick Soto & Catalina Sarmiento
Timothy & Rafaela Sparks
Roberta Spivak
James & Diana Stapleton
Andres & Maria Stefano
Philip Stewart & Arlen Guido-Stewart
Shannon & Sharonda Stewart
Jeff & Amy Stone
Caroline Stone-Ruppar
Scot & Yaneli Strems
Ryan & Celinet Stumphauzer
Jaime & Christine Stuyck
Justin & Kristy Sporrer
Steven & Cecilia Springer
Renier & Teresa Suarez
Erik & Brittney Sunset
Carlos & Suzanne Suris
Victoria Suris '20
Ivan & Marcela Sweeney
Sean '97 and Mary Tabor
Scott '99 & Stacey (Buck) Tabor '00
Eric & Monica (Blanco) Taggart '08
Jasmin Taveras
David '85 & Amy Taylor
Jeffrey & Jaclyn Taylor
Jonathan & Stephanie Taylor
Alissa Teijeiro
Ricardo & Stephanie Tello
John Temerian & Ksenya Alexeeva
Keith & Martha Terrel
Scott & Paige Tews
Marcus & Jennifer Thermes
Kenneth & Kristina Thomson
Brent & Ashley Thurn
David & Jennifer Tirri
Andy & Lissette Toledo
Gilberto & Vicky Toledo
Shawn Tolley 
Danny & Ismerly Torres
Courtney & Lisa Touw
Bryan & Diana Treadway
Robert & Patricia Triplett
Alex & Kiara Trujillo
Carlos '00 & Michelle Tudela
Alejandro & Angela Ugarte
Jeremy & Brianna Upton
Rafael & Bricen Urquidi
Cecilia Urrego
Francisco Urrego & Carolina Echeverri
Sergio & Linet Vaca
Eduardo & Michelle Vadia
Alex & Myriam Valdes
Braulio & Julianne Valdez
Omar & Mia Valerio
Orlando & Alexis Vanegas
Carlos & Tina Vargas
Arthur & Eileen Vazquez
Luis Vega & Natalia Pereira
Ricardo & Andrea Ventura
Jason & Christina Vera
Mariano & Maria Ines Viale
Felix '92 & Lorena (Gonzalez) Vicente '95
Carlos & Karina Vidal
Jaime & Paula Vidal
Manuel & Lyanne Vidal
Pedro & Vanessa Villa
Stephan & Nathalie Vorbe
Jason & Johanna Wade
Robert & Courtney (Falk) Wainwright '00
James & Linda Walker
Ben & Jessica (Dietrich) Warren '07
Preston & Rebecca Watford
Edward & Mirella Webster
David & Micol (Wiegandt) Weissman '98
Phillip & Gladys Welcome
David & Mari Wells
Patrick Wennin '12
Victor & Jane White
Shawn & Stacy Whiteside
Charlie & Christine Whorton, Sr
Charlie Whorton, Jr
Joe and Jessyca Wier
Jochen & Jesica Wilhelm
Stuart Williams & Kristen Lee-Williams
Todd '79 & Amy (Anderson) Williams '80
Phillip & Jacqueline Winter
Patricia Winters
Conrad Witte & Joana Palma '10
Nicholas & Jessica Wohl
William & Kimberly Wood
Emily Wutz
Stephen & Meghan Wutz
Stephen & Nita Yeung
David & Ana Zack
Samuel & Tiffany Zakka
Gema Zubero

1-2-3 Smile
All Uniform Wear
American Construction & Engineering
Anchor of Hope Life
Aromas del Peru
Bath Trends-The Falls
CareSpace Counseling
Cari Aguiar Insurance
Caribbean Structures
CK Hardware
Daisy Industries Group
Danasi Jewels
Discount Favors
E Jimenez and Associates
Falk, Waas, Solomon, Mendelstein and Davis PA 
G Health & Wellness
Giardino Gourmet Salads
Gonzalo F. Pou, LLC
Interworld Freight
Iteja Consultants
JM Honda of Miami
Jorge Cos, MD PLLC
JPR Building Company
L & P Kidney Care
Law Office of Bernardo Lovo, LLC
Law Office of Orlando Rodriguez PA
My Tribe Boutique
Ofall Innovations LLC
Palma Paving & Concrete
Peter Grundler, PA
Physio Healing Therapy
Sasha Bardelas, PA
Sandal Factory
Shoreline Windows
South Miami Anesthesia Associates
Symmetry Printing
Taylorcanes Investments
The Warrior Law Firm
Truck Max/Golf Cart Max
VenLaw PA Immigration Attorney
Vigilance Anesthesia
Xpress Entertainment
WarBall Inc

Advancement Team Members

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Monica Sanchez

    Monica Sanchez 

    Director of Advancement
    Ext. 1304
  • Photo of Courtney Wainwright

    Courtney Wainwright 00

    Associate Director of Alumni Relations
    Ext. 1259
  • Photo of Mary Klevan

    Mary Klevan 

    Advancement Assistant
  • Photo of Amy Williams

    Amy Williams 80

    Associate Director of Advancement, Family Engagement
    Ext. 1287
Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.