News & Events



  • Father Daughter Dance: Saturday, April 5

    "Love You to the Moon and Back" Father Daughter Dance 
    Saturday, April 5
    6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
    Student Activities Center

    Students from preschool through grade 5 will enjoy dancing, food, and more alongside their father or special guest.
    $50 per person.
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  • Mark Your Calendar for the Junior College Fair

    The AIMS Junior College Fair is Sunday, April 6, 2025, from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Miami, 400 SE Second Avenue. The universities that will be in attendance are in the junior SCOIR drive account.

    The CCC will meet with the juniors on April 2 during flex time to discuss logistics. Attendance is mandatory for all juniors. For additional information, please visit
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  • Third Quarter Writing Warriors

    Congratulations to the students pictured here for being named the third-quarter Writing Warriors! Students in kindergarten through fifth grade have continued to work on their writing skills. They have learned the difference between an opinion and an expository paper, all while using different pieces of literature to provide proper evidence. These students have done an amazing job this quarter!
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  • Deadline to Purchase a Personalized Senior Brick is Approaching!

    Leave your mark at Westminster by purchasing a personalized brick around the fountain! This is a special way to honor our memories and experiences while ensuring your name becomes a lasting part of the school.

    Proceeds from the brick sales will contribute to the Class of 2025’s gift to Westminster, leaving a lasting symbol of the class's impact. Additionally, a portion of the funds will be set aside to support the Class of 2026 and help offset senior class costs.

    Order your brick here

    Once you've purchased your paver, please contact Amy Williams in the Advancement Office for engraving instructions and to select your brick’s location. Placement is first come, first served. All orders and engraving details must be submitted by April 4.

    Enjoy this message from a couple of our seniors!

    Thank you for supporting the legacy of the Class of 2025!
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  • Dub Talk ALUMNI EDITION: Camila Jocelyn-Holt '08

    Thursday, April 3, 2025
    11 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
    The Lighthouse
    Camila Jocelyn-Holt '08 is a seasoned leader with over a decade of experience in the non-profit sector and currently leads the Community Department at Inter Miami CF.
    In this role, Cami has been instrumental in developing and executing impactful community programs that foster meaningful connections and drive positive change.
    Her strategic vision and deep understanding of community engagement have strengthened the club’s local presence and enhanced its reputation as a force for good.
    With a strong background in building partnerships and driving social impact, Cami remains committed to creating lasting value for both the organization and the communities it serves.
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  • More Than Bread

    There seems to be a nutrition fad right now labeling different foods as, “superfoods.” I choose to side with Jim Gaffigan that this all started with the kale people. Gaffigan describes kale as hairy, bitter spinach, and he’s not that far off. Yet kale in the past twenty years has moved from salad bar garnish to star of Olive Garden’s Tuscan Soup.

    Kale is just one of many superfoods, though. You see clickbait ads on YouTube (or whatever) that boast of superfoods that will ‘burn away all your fat in 30 minutes’ or ‘leave you looking twenty years younger overnight...’. Maybe some of these claims are true; I wouldn’t know. But I’m pretty certain that nothing we put in our stomachs will save our souls.

    We are physical beings living in a physical world with natural desires, but that’s not all we are. We are also spiritual beings with souls and eternal needs that can only be satisfied in supernatural ways. Jesus said something in John 6:35 that must have sounded so bizarre to the people who heard it, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry.” Jesus did provide for the physical needs of the people he interacted with and so should we. Caring for those who do not have bread, giving generously and serving selflessly, are essential aspects of a genuine Christian life, but giving someone bread to eat without introducing them to the bread of life can only go so far.
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  • Parent Partners Accepting Board Applications

    Parent Partners is seeking Westminster parents who would like to take a leadership role in the volunteer organization. Parent Partner volunteers support Westminster's mission and build community around a shared vision of excellence. Through monthly meetings, volunteer opportunities, and community events, the organization fosters community while supporting parents as they nurture their child’s academic and social growth.

    We encourage you to get involved and share your time, treasure and talent in support of Westminster. If you would like to become more involved with Parent Partners and be considered for the 2025-26 Parent Partners Board, please complete this form by April 7.
    Questions? Contact Amy Williams at
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  • Junior and Senior Ring Ceremony: Wednesday, April 2

    Junior and Senior Ring Ceremony
    DATE: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
    TIME: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    LOCATION: The Lighthouse
    Business formal attire is required.
    You are cordially invited to join us for an evening of celebration to honor students who have purchased the exclusive Westminster ring.
    Students are welcome to bring as many guests as they'd like! Seating will be first come, first served,
    so please arrive early to secure your spot.

    Please note: Ring sales have now ended, and no additional purchases can be made.
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  • Mother Son Night: Friday, April 4

    "Out of This World" Mother Son Night 
    Friday, April 4
    6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
    Student Activities Center
    Students from preschool through grade 5 will enjoy fun activities, food, and more alongside their mother or special guest.
    $40 per person 
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  • Westminster Summer School: June 9-July 18, 2025

    Registration for Westminster Summer School is now open! Students entering grades 7 through 11 who seek academic enrichment or want to get a head start on the next school year may enroll in year-long and semester courses in a blended learning environment.  
    Westminster Summer School is non-traditional and does not require daily attendance. Courses are available are either hybrid or fully online, via Westminster Online. Both options allow for more flexibility during the summer all the while completing the academic requirements of a summer school course. In most cases, students are guided by teachers and are able to work at their own pace. Teachers are available via email for all questions and concerns. 
    To register and learn more about the courses offered, visit the Summer tab on Westminster's website.  The registration deadline is May 9
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  • Musical Revue: ES Musical Theatre and MS/HS Choir

    Thursday and Friday, April 24-25 • 7 p.m. 
    The Lighthouse
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  • There is Still Time to Join the Green Challenge

    Join our 2nd Annual Green Challenge and make a difference—it's never too late to start! Since October, students have been earning points by completing fun, eco-friendly activities that help care for God’s creation. This year, Mr. and Mrs. Heetderks have been inspiring us with lessons about coral reefs in their WorldWonder and Art classes as part of the Everglades Foundation Challenge. We’ve all become obsessed with the Coral City Camera livestream, watching day and night as fish, manatees, dolphins, sharks, and stingrays bring the reef to life! We've even added exciting coral reef activities, like creating a Minecraft biome to explore the beauty and importance of these ecosystems. Click here for details, and don’t forget—student journals will be proudly displayed in the Nature Center! 
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  • Branching Out

    Selfishness is, for many of us, a default setting. Scientists that would reduce our divine nature to animal characteristics may try to justify this kind of behavior as survival instinct or something. But I’m not so sure. After all, humans are pretty helpless apart from community. No, I don’t think we can excuse ourselves of our selfish tendencies, we need to come clean and call it what it is; it’s sin, and it’s also just dumb. If we act in such a way as to drive away the people we need to truly thrive, we are hurting, NOT helping ourselves.

    Consider Colossians 3:3-13. In an initial read it feels very much like a list of ‘thou shalt nots’ intended to leave us feeling condemned, ashamed, guilty, and hopeless. But that’s not what’s going on here. Paul understands the damaging nature of selfishness, not just to the person acting selfish but to the whole community they’re connected to. Paul is writing to a church, a group of people who are following the way of Jesus, and what he’s really telling them is this, “You need each other! You cannot do this on your own.”
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  • Bending with the Wind

    I’ve always loved storms. I remember the summer storms that would roll through my hometown in Newfield, NY. I would lay on my bed with the window open and watch the rain, lightning and thunder. There is something humbling (in a good way) about the power that weather possesses when you’re paying attention. Of course, this is only true when you’re lying comfortably on your bed watching the storm, rather than being trapped by it or in it. There were plenty of times I was caught exposed in the elements while playing outside and had to run for cover.

    Since moving to South Florida, I’ve discovered something else I love watching when storms blow through – palm trees.
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  • Episode XXV: MS/HS Band

    Friday, April 11 • 7 p.m. 
    The Lighthouse
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  • Springtime Melodies: ES/MS Band and Orchestra

    Thursday, April 10 • 7 p.m. 
    The Lighthouse

    Buy tickets
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  • ASL Movie Event

    Welcoming Westminster students, parents and the deaf community of South Florida to a special movie event.
    Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film
    Produced by a team with a full cast fluent in American Sign Language.
    Date: Saturday, April 12
    Time: 2 p.m. 
    Location: The Lighthouse
    Organized by American Sign Language teacher Thelma Pineda.
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  • Junior/Senior Brunch

    Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
    Time: 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
    Location: Rusty Pelican
    3201 Rickenbacker Causeway, Key Biscayne, FL 33149
    Men: Button-down shirt, chinos or dress pants, polished shoes. Optional blazer.
    Women: Blouse, dressy pants or skirt, or dress with flats or heels. Optional cardigan or blazer.
    Ticket sales for the Junior/Senior Brunch have ended and no additional purchases may be made. 
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  • PS/ES Father Daughter Dance

    "Love You to the Moon and Back" Father Daughter Dance 
    Saturday, April 5
    6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
    Student Activities Center

    Students from preschool through grade 5 will enjoy dancing, food, and more alongside their father or special guest.
    $50 per person.
    Pre-order sweatshirt by March 21. 
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  • Senior BBQ

    Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
    Time: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
    Location: The Berry Farm
    13720 SW 216th St, Miami, FL 33170
    Casual Attire
    Please note: Ticket sales for the Senior BBQ have ended and no additional purchases may be made. 
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  • Step-Up Application Season is Now Open

    The 2025-26 Step-Up application season is open. We encourage you to apply here at your earliest convenience. Renewing students will receive priority if their application is submitted by Wednesday, April 30.
    After your application is processed, use the following form to submit your new award ID so we can enroll your student(s): 2025-26 Step-Up Award ID. Please note that if you have multiple children, you’ll need to complete a separate entry for each child.
    Additional details regarding the closure of the current year will be shared soon.
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  • PS/ES Mother Son Night

    "Out of This World" Mother Son Night 
    Friday, April 4
    6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
    Student Activities Center
    Students from preschool through grade 5 will enjoy fun activities, food, and more alongside their mother or special guest.
    $40 per person 
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  • Junior and Senior Ring Ceremony

    Junior and Senior Ring Ceremony
    DATE: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
    TIME: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    LOCATION: The Lighthouse
    Business formal attire is required.
    You are cordially invited to join us for an evening of celebration to honor students who have purchased the exclusive Westminster ring.
    Students are welcome to bring as many guests as they'd like! Seating will be first come, first served,
    so please arrive early to secure your spot.

    Please note: Ring sales have now ended, and no additional purchases can be made.
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  • Dig Deeper

    “6 Then Jesus told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ 8 “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”

    I’ve got two mango trees, an avocado tree, and a bunch of coconut trees in my yard. One of my mango trees did not bear fruit this year, but I’m not worried, because I pruned it back at the end of last season. I expect to get a “bumper crop” of mangoes next year after it has time to heal and regrow. Fruit trees are supposed to have fruit on them. If I had a mango tree in my yard that never produced mangoes it would be clear something was wrong, and action would need to be taken.
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  • Important Graduation Season Information

    Congratulations on your child's upcoming graduation from Westminster! What a privilege it has been to see the students in the Class of 2025 discover who God created them to be, ready to conquer the world as ambassadors for Christ. God has blessed each with amazing gifts and talents, and they are ready to do great things.

    Graduation will take place on Friday, May 16, 2025, at 7 p.m. in the Knight Concert Hall at The Adrienne Arsht Center, 1300 Biscayne Blvd.
    • Students need to arrive at the auditorium by 5:30 p.m. to line up for the ceremony.

    • Choir, Band, and Orchestra seniors must arrive at 5 p.m. for rehearsal and sound check. 

    • Doors will open for parents, families, and friends with tickets at 6:15 p.m. Please note that only ticket holders with assigned seats will be admitted. There is no general admission seating. Graduation will last approximately two hours. 
    Graduation tickets are available to pick up in the HS Office (with Mrs. Lorena Vicente). Each family will receive six (6) tickets at no cost with preassigned sections, rows, and seats. If you would rather your senior pick up the tickets, please email Mrs. Lorena Vicente at providing permission to release the tickets to your child. Graduating seniors do not need tickets, all six may be used for family and friends.

    A lottery system will determine seat assignments. Additional seats may be purchased for a non-refundable $40 fee per ticket. Please note that these additional seats will be in a separate section from the six seats you were originally assigned. 

    If anyone needs handicap-accessible seating, please email Ms. Lorena Vicente so that arrangements can be made.  
    Please mark your calendars with the following important dates leading up to graduation:

    April 2Junior/Senior Ring CeremonyThe Lighthouse @ Westminster, 7 p.m.
    April 9Junior/Senior BrunchRusty Pelican, 10:30 a.m.
    April 17Senior BBQThe Berry Farms, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 
    April 26PromJW Marriott Marquis
    April 29Senior ChapelThe Lighthouse @ Westminster
    April 29Senior Cords & Awards NightAll Seniors must attend as caps, gowns, and cords are being distributed this evening. 
    May 1College Decision DaySeniors wear their college gear to school
    May 2Last Day of Class & Senior CaravanFun celebration on campus
    May 5-16AP Exams and Pending CourseworkSeniors with AP exams are expected to report to the exams they are registered for and to class if there are pending tests/assignments. 
    May 15Rehearsal (5 p.m.) & Senior Graduation Dinner (7 p.m.)Mandatory attendance for Seniors (students only) 
    May 16Graduation CeremonyThe Knight Concert Hall at The Adrienne Arsht Center (7 p.m.) Ticket distribution begin April 7. 
    Please contact the High School Office if you have any questions or concerns.
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  • HOSA Hosts Blood Drive at Westminster

    Westminster HOSA students, Future Health Professionals, are hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, February 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the high school circle (main entrance). You must be at least 16 years old. Consent and ID are required. Students, staff and parents may donate. 

    Donors may receive:
    • Refreshments
    • Long-sleeved t-shirt
    • Wellness checkup (including blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count, and cholesterol screening)
    Appointments are encouraged. Please visit
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  • It Takes Time

    I will never forget the moment while we were remodeling our house in Charlotte, NC, and my wife walked in to where I had pulled up floorboards in the kitchen so that she could see the dirt under the house. With a look of horror and discouragement on her face she said, “I didn’t realize that vaulting the ceilings meant gutting the house.”
    For anyone who has ever been through a remodeling project, you can relate. Having to change your routine, share space in ways you normally wouldn’t, work around mess, and deal with financial uncertainties are just a short list of issues you need to be prepared to navigate well.

    In our case, we also needed to deal with the foundation, hence the torn-up floorboards. But you can’t build up (vaulted ceilings) without first digging deep. It was a long few months, but we finally moved in. The house was well worth the wait and the pain of the construction process. I guess you could say it all worked out in the end. Most especially because of the valuable life lessons our family gained in the process.
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  • Check Your Streams

    Julia Tuttle’s orange blossoms, sent to Henry Flagler during a particularly harsh freeze in the winter of 1895, played a significant role in the oil-baron-turned-railroad-tycoon’s decision to bring his trains south. In reality, Flagler had always had his sights set on Key West, believing it would be a great city and shipping port. With the failing health of his wife, and the mounting frustrations and costs of building railroad tracks through the swampy everglades, however, he may have simply stayed in Palm Coast. But for Tuttle’s creative persistence, Flagler came south! Three years later, Miami was incorporated.Today, it is everything Julia thought it would become and more, as one of the premier cities of the U.S. and a gateway to Latin America. And Flagler too, spurred on by an irrational drive, made it to Key West cutting the path that would become what is now U.S. 1 on the first “railroad across the sea.”
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  • Join Us for Junior/Senior Brunch!

    Class of 2025 and 2026, mark your calendars for the Junior/Senior Brunch on April 9, 2025, at the Rusty Pelican from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

    Payment Due: All payments for the brunch are due by February 7, 2025. You can make your payment easily through your MyWCS portal by clicking on the yellow banner.
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  • Important! Please Complete Form for Your Child's Diploma

    Parents, congratulations on nearing the final chapter of your Warrior's high school journey! To ensure your child's name appears exactly as you would like on his or her diploma, please provide the correct information in the form linked below: 


    Please note: The information you enter will be used exactly as written. Middle names can be included in full, as an initial, or omitted entirely.

    Thank you for your attention to this important detail!
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  • Join Us for Taste of Westminster

    Sample bites from some of South Florida's best restaurants and beverage vendors while mingling with friends at the Taste of Westminster! Enjoy unlimited sips and samples and dance the night away, all while supporting Westminster Christian School. You'll also be able to pick-up some great finds at the spectacular silent auction! It's a night you don't want to miss.

    Tickets will be available at the door for $150/person.

    (Save time at the door and share this link with your guests to pre-register for event.)
    Sports memorabilia, international vacation packages, grade baskets, beauty and wellness items, culinary adventures, jewelry, and so much more!
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  • The Dull Axe

    Have you ever tried to cut using a dull knife? My mother-in- law has spent most of her life preparing meals with a dull, three-inch paring knife. Whether she’s chopping meat, vegetables, or trying to cut a pie, she instinctively reaches for the same small knife. She’s generous and thoughtful and always has food on the table so there are no complaints from me on that front, but I’ve never understood why she uses that tiny little knife.

    The truth contained in a little verse in Ecclesiastes 10:10 sheds some light on this little conundrum, “If the axe is blunt, and one doesn’t sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but skill brings success.” I’ll stand by and watch as my mother-in-law will labor over chopping up celery for a salad, having to make every single slice and taking forever to get it done. It’s a labor of love, but she’s skilled. She knows what’s she’s doing, and she doesn’t mind taking the extra time. A sharper knife more suited to the task would make the job significantly faster and easier, but with skill she’s able to produce the same results even if it does take her longer (shrug).
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  • The Boastful Axe

    It’s about to be Super Bowl weekend again. Of course, I’m writing this in June, so I have no idea who is in the Super Bowl this year. But for the purpose of this article, let’s assume it’s the Dolphins and the 49ers. Why not?

    Obviously, the Dolphins will win the Super Bowl and they’ll get rings. But did you know that for most teams, the owner, the general manager, the whole coaching staff, managers, even athletic trainers, get rings too? Everyone gets one.

    Is that fair? None of the support staff could win the championship without players, so do they really deserve one? On the other hand, could the players win without the owner, the general manager, the coaches, or even the athletic training staff? It’s hard to say.
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  • Share Your Acceptance Moment with Us!

    Did you capture the excitement when you received your acceptance to Westminster? Whether it’s a joyful video, a candid family photo, or a fun celebration of this milestone, we’d love to see it! Share your special moment with us by sending your photos or videos to, and you could be featured on the school’s social media. Be sure to include the student’s name and graduation year along with your submission. Don’t miss the chance to showcase your excitement with the Westminster community!
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  • Important Reminder: How Step-Up Funds Will Be Received and Applied


    • Step Up will receive funding from the Department of Education on the following projected dates: September 1, November 1, February 1, and April 1.
    • Step Up will deposit the funds on a quarterly basis in the student’s EMA account.
    • School invoices will be generated in EMA (Education Market Assistant) for schools and parents/guardians to approve. Parents must approve quarterly payments in EMA.
    • Once approved by the parents/guardians and the school, Step Up will initiate quarterly payments to the school within seven (7) business days.


    Parents will still need to make payments to Blackbaud Tuition Management in accordance with their preselected payment plan. Westminster will apply the scholarship funds to the Blackbaud tuition accounts within 15 days of receipt from Step Up and will be deducted from your next scheduled payment. 
    What Does This Mean?
    For Monthly Payers: The amounts received will be applied as follows:
    • September funds will be deducted from your October tuition payment. 
    • November funds will be deducted from your December tuition payment.
    • February funds will be deducted from your March tuition payment.
    • April funds will be refunded in May 2025. 
    For Semiannual Payers: The amounts received will be applied as follows:
    • September funds will be deducted from your November tuition payment. 
    • November, February, and April funds will be applied to your Blackbaud account and refunded in May 2025.
    For Annual Payers: A credit to your account will be posted as the funds are received. 
    • In May 2025, the credit balance will be refunded.
    Please remember that scholarship funds are designated exclusively for the school year in which they are awarded. As a result, refunds for any tuition overpayments will be issued at the end of the 2024-25 school year. 

    Thank you for your support and patience as we navigate this new process together. If you have any additional questions, please contact Leyma Matozinho in the Business Office at or 305-233-2030, Ext. 1251.
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  • The Borrowed Axe

    About 10 years ago, my family was invited to stay with some friends in a Lakehouse near Charlotte, NC. We were having a great time on the pontoon boats and jet skis.

    One morning, I needed to stay back and get some work done while the family went out on the boat. A few hours later, just before I jumped on the jet ski to catch up with everyone, I had the thought, “I should add some gas.” So, I did, and took off after my family.

    At the end of the day, my friend was driving the jet ski back and it started sputtering. Eventually, it wouldn’t drive anymore, and we had to tow it back. When I explained how I’d filled the tank with gas and pointed to the can I used, my friend’s face looked horrified as he said, “That’s the wrong fuel!” We told the owner and after taking it to the shop, he let us know it was ruined. I tried to pay for it, but the owner refused my offer leaving me with no way to make it right. I was mortified...
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Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.