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News from the Hub: Nerd Herd and Green Challenge Updates

Nerd Herd
Nerd Herd forms went home today. Please see the Hub Resource Board for dates. Remember, it is never too late to join. As long as the book is read and AR is completed before the meeting date, students can attend meetings.

Nature Ambassador Green Challenge 
Let's go green! Mr. Heetderks has met with all of the classes and explained the Green Challenge to students.  If you are a family who loves nature and want to get more involved, please join the Nature Ambassador group located under the PS/ES WhatsApp community. Please let Mrs. Glavach know if you have any great green ideas.

Community Connect
Please visit the Hub Resource Board for more information!
Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.